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Veterans Services

Veterans' Educational Benefits

Napa Valley College is approved as a degree institution for veterans and eligible dependents seeking educational and/or vocational training under Title 38, United States Code. Students attending Napa Valley College under Title 38, Chapters 33, 30, 31, 35, and 1606 and California veterans are invited and urged to take advantage of the guidance service and educational training offered by Napa Valley College. 

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GI Bill®

It takes an average of FIVE TO EIGHT WEEKS for the VA to process enrollment certifications. Make sure that you register for your courses and sumbit your Enrollment Certification Request in a timely manner to ensure prompt certification of your enrollment. Remember to register in courses according to your educational plan.

Information about qualifying pay rates and payment dates is available only through direct contact between the student and the Department of Veterans Affairs. or call 1 (888) 442-4551.

Your payment rates are based on your enrollment status or rate of pursuit.

In general, students who are using Chapter 33 benefits are required to attend at more than 50% rate of pursuit to be eligible for the Basic Housing Allowance. Student must contact the VA directly in regards to payment information and to determine their rate of pursuit. 

***Rates will be prorated if a student is enrolled in non-standard term(s) classes or classes that have a beginning and end date different from the semester's beginning and end dates (For example: Nursing classes and late start classes).

The Buy-Up feature can allow active duty servicemembers to Get up to an extra $150 per month increase above the standard MGIB "pay rate." This is a part of the enlistment contract.  Higher monthly benefits are paid to Chapter 30 participants with “kickers” and to Chapter 30 participants who make additional chapter 30 payments.  The higher benefit rates are paid automatically when benefits are paid once VA confirmed eligibility through Department of Defense.

The VA requires veterans receiving benefits to attend all scheduled class meetings.  Failure to do so may result in the loss of benefits and pay back of veterans benefits already received for the semester in question

EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) processing, also known as “Direct Deposit,” is now available to recipients of several of the VA education benefits programs. To find out if you can use Direct Deposit, or to stop or change your Direct Deposit, call 1-877-838-2778.

The Certifying Official at Napa Valley College certifies your enrollment status, programs and academic progress.  All questions concerning payment and eligibility are to be referred to the Department of Veterans Affairs at 1-888-442-4551 or by sending an electronic inquiry online at . 

Students must PAY-TO-STAY in classes. If you are eligible for the Post 9/11 GI Bill® or Veterans Readiness and Employment, call 707.256.7307 to check if your enrollment fees may be waived.

The Post 9/11 GI Bill® pays for all mandatory fees. Visit the Admissions and Records website for more information on fees.

Students may apply for the Free Application for Federal Financial Aid (FAFSA) online at . Dependents and spouse of veterans are also encouraged to apply for the Cal Vet Fee Waiver.

  1. Veterans receiving VA benefits may select any program that is approved by the Department of Veteran Affairs leading to a degree offered at Napa Valley College. Check with the NVC Certifying Official if your program is approved by the VA. Only one program may be pursued under certification for benefits.  If the veteran decides to major in two programs at the same time, only one will be certified. .
  2. Veterans may receive VA benefits for a second degree after completion of a first degree. Consult with the Veterans Services Counselor or the School Certifying Official if you are interested in pursuing a dual major.
  3. Veterans may change a program of study and continue to receive benefits if the new program is approved by VA. Veterans are required to develop an Educational Plan with an academic counselor for every new program of study.

Standards of Progress, CFR 21.4253 (d) (1)(ii)

  • Students certified to receive veteran benefits whose grade point average (GPA) falls below 2.0 will be placed on probation. Failure to raise their GPA to the graduation standard of 2.0 after two consecutive terms on probation will have their veteran benefits interrupted.
  • VA education benefits may be interrupted if any of the following should occur:
  • The veteran registers for classes that are not specified as necessary for the declared program of study. Depending on circumstances, deficiency or remedial courses may be certified for benefits.
  • The veteran fails to submit all previous college transcripts for evaluation.
  • The veteran registers for two or more courses and receives “F” (Fail), “NC” (No Credit)/“NP” (No Pass), or “IP” (In Progress) grades for all courses for one semester.
  •  The veteran fails to convert an “I” (Incomplete) grade to a letter grade within one year from receipt of the “I” grade.
  • The veteran fails to attend class for the semester for which VA benefits are received.
  • The veteran fails to achieve the minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 for two consecutive semesters or sessions.

"GI Bill®" is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at .
