UndocuAlly Webinar Series
The Cultural Center is happy to host a timely webinar and dialogue training series.
This series is brought to us by the (LLN) in collaboration with the LLN Statewide and the . This training will focus on how we can be effective and helpful for students whom
are undocumented. These free webinars will focus on how we can be helpful and effective
in working with undocumented students. Now more than ever, we need to be aware of
the latest information and discuss how we can better support our undocumented students!
We hope you are able to join these trainings and work together to identify steps we
can currently take to support our “dreamers” during this difficult time!
All Webinars will be shown in the Cultural Center on the days and times listed below.
Feel free to bring a Brown Bag Lunch!
Participants who attend all 3 webinars will receive a certificate of completion and recognion as an ally for undocumented students from the Latina Leadership Network.