Curriculum Management System
Institutional Learning Outcomes
Students who receive a degree from Napa Valley College will demonstrate the following:
- Communication and Critical Thinking
- Scientific and Quantitative Inquiry
- Global and Civic Awareness
- Intercultural Literacy and Creativity
- Personal, Academic, and Career Development
NVC Mission, Vision and Values
Committee Charge
The purpose of this committee is to evaluate and make recommendations on matters related to the credit and non-credit curriculum. Course and program additions, deletions, or significant changes in program requirements or in course outlines must be voted upon by this committee.
The Curriculum Committee shall:
- Develop written procedures and deadlines for all credit and noncredit curriculum submission and approval. The Senate is to approve processes and procedures.
- Review and make recommendations on new course and new program proposals and on course and program revisions. Ensure that all additions and/or changes in course outlines and program outlines comply with curriculum regulations and development criteria.
- Make recommendations to the Academic Senate on issues relating to curriculum, such as changes in graduation or general education requirements. The committee will determine if a course is classified as general education for the associate degree and into which category it should be placed.
- Classify courses into appropriate disciplines and support submission of courses for transfer articulation. The committee will advise faculty on criteria and requirements for transfer general education patterns and transfer degrees.
- Review and make recommendations on proposed course and program deletions and inactive status.
- Vote whether or not to recommend course or program additions, deletions, or changes to the Academic Senate (which recommends to the NVC Board of Trustees for approval).
2024-2025 GOALS
- Implementation effective Fall 2025
- CCN Fall 2024 PowerPoint
- Phase I - 6 courses to be implemented Fall 2025
- Phase II - Roughly 20 courses to be implemented Fall 2026
- Phase III - Roughly 50 courses to be implemented Fall 2027
- Archival of courses no longer offered at NVC
- Review curriculum of identified courses in need
- Repiratory Care Baccalaureate degree development
- Incorporate diversity, equity and inclusion into course curriculum
Meeting Info
The Curriculum Committee ordinarily meets in Room 1434/1435 on the first Friday of each month from 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Other curriculum committee meetings such as the GE Subcommittee and New Program Taskforce will hold meetings on the third Friday of each month from 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Meeting dates are listed below.
Fall 2024 August 22* |
Spring 2025 January 21* |
*Note: Flex Day meetings are scheduled at a different time and location. The 8/22 meeting will be held in Room 1436 from 1:15-2:15 p.m. Meeting times and dates are subject to change when necessary.
As required by the California Brown Act on open meetings, all committee agendas and supporting documents will be posted at least 72 hours in advance to . Opportunity for public comment will be provided at the beginning of each meeting.
- The committee intends to continue to offer members of the public the opportunity to participate virtually via Zoom at the following address: However, as this option is being provided as a matter of convenience to the public and not pursuant to the modified Brown Act teleconferencing rules, please be advised that the District does not guarantee public participation via Zoom. If Zoom fails or there are any other technical difficulties, the meeting will continue in person without virtual participation.
- If you require accessibility accommodations to participate in this meeting, please contact the Academic Senate Faculty Co-Chair at:
Faculty Representatives:
- Curriculum Committee Faculty Co-Chair (votes only in the event of a tie)
- Articulation Officer
- Faculty Representatives (appointed by Academic Senate President)
Classified Representative:
- Curriculum Analyst
- Admissions and Records Analyst (appointed by Classified Senate President)
Student Representative:
- Student (appointed by ASNVC President)
Non-Voting Members:
- Curriculum Committee Administrative Co-Chair (VPAA)
- Academic Deans (as determined by the Administrative Co-Chair)
Curriculum Committee Membership 2024-2025 | ||
Faculty |
Division |
Contact |
Ana Clare Elizarrarás |
Curriculum Committee Faculty Co-Chair |
Steve Balassi | Faculty Representative for Social Sciences | |
Rhue Bruggeman | Faculty Representative for Arts and Humanities | |
Shawna Bynum | Faculty Representative for Mathematics | |
Molly Hodgins | Faculty Representative for Career Education and Workforce Development | |
Stacey Howard | Articulation Officer | |
Brian Larsen | Ad Hoc Academic Senate Representative | |
Karen Larsen | Faculty Representative for English | |
Lynda Letona | Faculty Librarian | |
Vacant | Faculty Representative for Health Occupations | |
Eric Martinez | Faculty Representative for Counseling | |
Kelly McCann | Faculty Representative for Kinesiology, Athletics & Dance | |
Vacant | Faculty Representative for Health Occupations | |
Vacant | Faculty Representative for Language Arts and Developmental Studies | |
Administrative |
Division |
Priscilla Mora |
Curriculum Committee Administrative Co-Chair and Vice President of Academic Affairs |
Jerry Dunlap | Dean of Kinesiology, Athletics & Dance, Administration of Justice and Social Sciences | |
Chris Farmer | Dean of Science and Engineering | |
Robert Harris | Senior Dean of LADS, Arts and Humanities, and Health Occupations | |
Douglas Marriott | Senior Dean of Career Education and Academic Pathways | |
Shawntel Ridgle | Senior Director of Continuing Education and Community Partnerships | |
Ryan Smith | Dean of Counseling Services and Student Success | |
Classified | ||
Katherine Lebe |
Curriculum Analyst | |
Vacant |
Admissions and Records Analyst |
Student |
Vacant |
ASNVC Student Representative |
Introduction: Mission Statements
Chapter One: Authority
- Title 5 and Board Policy
- Role of Curriculum Committee
Chapter Two: Roles and Responsibilities of Committee Members
Chapter Three: Standing Rules and Procedures
- Membership
- Agendas
- Parliamentary Rules
- Subcommittees
Chapter Four: The Curriculum Approval Process
- Committee Timelines
- Course Approval Process
- Substantive vs. Non-Substantive Modifications
- Discipline Placement Process
- Program Approval Process
- Course and Program Archival Process
- New Program and Program Archival Taskforces
Chapter Five: Criteria and Standards for Approval
- Development Criteria
- Standards for Course Approval
- Degrees and Certificates
- Distance Education Definitions and Standards
Chapter Six: The Course Outline of Record
- Purpose of the Course Outline of Record
- Required Components
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the COR
- Writing Standards and Guidelines
Chapter Seven: General Education Requirements
- NVC General Education
- CSU General Education
General Information
Guides for Curriculum Authors
- Program Narrative - AAT (fillable PDF)
- Program Narrative - AST (fillable PDF)
Minimum Qualifications, Cross Listing, Double Coding, etc. FAQs